
I’ve been listening to a lot of different music lately, I am going to try and post a new song every week. I try to listen to different music because I do not want to be confined to a certain genre. I chose this song because it fit with the title of my post. The song is melodic and beautiful but the content is anything but. It deals with drugs, alcohol, and religion. I also really like the design on the album. The silhouettes of the two, I am going to say they are cowboys,  are implying motion. We read it as motion even though they are not really moving. The color clearly separates the two from one another. There is blue in the top left corner that imply the sky and the diagonals beneath the cowboys, which I read as grass, implies that there is some movement or that things are not stable.

A.A. Bondy. Vice Rag. Fat Possum Records. Web. 2007.
